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Through the analysis of matches between grandmasters, Boris Gulko and Joel Sneed, point out how psychological factors such as perception, self-confidence, the role of imagination or the level of aggression of each...
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This book provides material that links chess with mathematics for the class. Chess is a classic board game that children of all levels enjoy. We use the chessboard and chess pieces to convey mathematical information...
Chess and cognitive impairment are two areas that intertwin in an interesting way. Chess, known for its strategic complexity, is not only an exciting game, but can also have significant benefits for cognitive health....
What does chess have to do with feeding? This will probably be the first question you ask when you have seen this booklet We are convinced of the importance that our boys understand from a very young age the...
In Key Elements of Chess Strategy, Lisitsin breaks down the Foundations of Strategy into categories such as piece placement, exchanges, weaknesses and prophylaxis, followed by a section on Devising a Strategic Plan,...
In this essay, Antonio Gude and José Luis Torrego have carried out a colossal research work, collecting and analyzing the most significant titles of modern letters to leave a taxonomy and pay tribute to this millenary...
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The highly acclaimed first volume of his chess strategy trilogy dealt with pawn structures. In this second volume, Sergei moves on to discuss piece play and unique chessboard situations. Topics covered include the...
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This new volume covers a dozen topical structures including various pawn formations in the flexible Ruy Lopez, Italian and Petroff openings. But also Black's doubled f-pawn in the Rauzer Sicilian, the notorious...
The Dutch Grandmaster Paul van der Sterren was a professional chess player for over twenty years. At the peak of his career, he qualified for the Candidate Matches for the World Championship – and was only four...
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Understanding Chess Exchanges shares expert insights into using exchanges as a strategic weapon. Your newfound knowledge will then be tested using exercises taken from elite modern practice. With a particular focus on...
Books on how to improve your results over the board have been written before but in these changing times when chess has propelled onto the public consciousness, an update is badly needed. Grandmaster Daniel Gormally...
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The greatest chess player in history teaches us to see life as a game of strategy. Life is like a game of chess and in this book, Garry Kasparov, a chess master, explains how solutions to everyday problems require the...
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With this comic you will travel with Princess Coral and some aquatic friends, from the cradle of chess to the Iberian Peninsula, above Cinza, a giant manta ray expert in the origins of chess and with a "special"...
Descubrirán cuentos, narraciones en primera persona, poesía, trabalenguas -solo para ser leídos en voz alta y muy rápido-, la recreación de un cuento clásico, un diario íntimo, una copla y un par de obras de teatro.
Esta historia está basada en la muestra itinerante “El caballero y el ajedrez. Un viaje en el tiempo y el espacio”, que fue diseñada por el Museo de Lleida en el año 1996.En este viaje se narra de una manera...
Aquesta història basada en la mostra itinerant “El cavaller i els escacs. Un viatge en el temps i l’espai” va ser creada pel Museu de Lleida l’any 1996. En aquest viatge es narren d’una manera transversal les...
As the Perpetual Chess Podcast host, USCF Master Ben Johnson has spent hundreds of hours talking chess with many of the world’s top players and most accomplished trainers. In the popular Adult Improver Series, he has...
Improve Your Chess Now it's a modern chess classic and one of the most inspiring textbooks. Progressive adults often cite this book as one of their main sources in the popular Perpetual Chess Podcast from Ben Johnson....



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