Chess Books and Ebooks | Ajedrez21


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23 reviews
Este manual proporciona una educación completa en todas las áreas del ajedrez. Nunn desarrolla sus enseñanzas mostrando 100 de las partidas más instructivas de Emanuel Lasker.
16 reviews
Esta obra muestra cómo Alekhine, Botvínnik, Tal, Fischer y Kasparov perfeccionaron el arma creada por Lasker, y cómo emplear la psicología para ganar más partidas.
13 reviews
El aclamado biógrafo Frank Brady ha elaborado a lo largo de varias décadas la crónica del meteórico ascenso y la imparable caída al abismo del enigmático genio Bobby Fischer. Un best-seller del New York Times...
24 reviews
Este libro de ajedrez superior ilustra de primera mano cómo se preparan los mejores jugadores mundiales en la actual era informática y pone al lector en la línea de salida de la preparación de alto nivel.Reseña en el...
€20.97 €29.95
This work by GM Maxim Dlugy examines important topics in chess development, taking examples from his own games and his interactions with legends such as Tal, Karpov, Kasparov and even Carlsen.
Este libro completa la serie dedicada a conocer y practicar todos los recursos tácticos básicos del ajedrez. Consta de diez capítulos que estudian temas como control de la séptima, atacar por la columna ‘h’,...
The Perunovic Variation 6...Bg7 has become the main line of the Volga Gambit among masters. In this work written by the creator of the variation we will find all his secrets and a complete repertoire for black with...
2 reviews
GM Pavlovic presents a repertoire based on some of the most reputable openings: Nimzoindia, Refused Queen's Gambit and Catalana with black; Currently it is the choice of the majority of the elite to combat 1.d4
2 reviews
"La derrota ante Deep Blue fue un golpe durísimo para un Kaspárov hasta entonces invencible. Han tenido que pasar 20 años para que Garry reúna fuerzas para revivir aquella experiencia, y lo hace en este libro de forma...
Using examples from his own games, GM Christian Bauer addresses one of the most important topics in chess, the selection of candidate moves
€18.55 €26.50
First book by double national champion Iván Salgado. Salgado studies the antidotes against the gambits of the Queen's Pawn openings: Budapest, Blumenfeld, Schara-Henning, Albin and others
1 review
This work examines the Reti Opening and multiple possible transpositions to other openings; GM Adrien Demuth presents a positional and dynamic repertoire ideal for ambitious players.
€20.27 €28.95
This book presents the history of Candidates matches and tournaments, from Budapest 1950 to Berlin 2018. It is also a book of advanced level tests that the reader can work on; all problems have been selected from the...
An encyclopedia of tactics and all existing mating patterns, written by GM Efstratios Grivas. Several examples are presented in each pattern as well as real games in which it occurred.
€20.27 €28.95
1 review
The definitive guide to the Chigorin Variation of the Spanish Opening. The first part of the work examines the general plans and strategic concepts that must be known, while the second examines the specific theory
1 review
GM Krasenkow includes in his new book a brief biography, his 54 best games (among the more than 4,000 he has played in competition) and his 12 most instructive endings
€21.60 €30.85
This work presents the philosophy that allowed GM Ipatov to become a world top-100 player. The majority of the book is made up of original analyzes on secondary lines of main openings and universal systems from...
Gata Kamsky analyzes the best games of the first period of his career, in which he competed for the FIDE world title against Anatoli Karpov. Kamsky's goal in commenting on him is to find the truth and show the...
GM Vladimir Tukmakov describes his experience as captain of Ukraine (which he led to gold in the 2004 and 2010 Olympics), Azerbaijan and the Netherlands; and as a coach of world stars over 50 years: Geller,...
The first part of this new repertoire with the French is dedicated to the Winawer variation. IM Miedema recommends the sharp Poisoned Pawn variation 7…Qxc7 8.Qxg7 Rg8 9. Qxh7 cd4 which is currently considered the...
GM Bareev investigates the current modern approach to chess. Bareev advocates a creative style and going off the beaten path to surprise the opponent, and illustrates his ideas by analyzing 50 games of his own.
€18.87 €26.95
A portrait of the 16 world champions, from Steinitz to Carlsen, along with Philidor, Morphy and some legendary tournaments such as London 1851 and The Hague-Moscow 1948. A short biography of each champion is included...
This book analyzes the Colle (d4/Nf3/e3/c3) and Zukertort (d4/Nf3/e3/b3) systems in detail, including many new ideas from the author. GM Pavlovic also offers interesting positional lines when Black avoids the...
1 review
Two grandmasters present a comprehensive analysis of the Maroczy structure. The work includes 127 illustrative games, classified according to 14 characteristic themes for both sides.
€22.37 €31.95
This new book presents the distinctive features of the king and the Queen. This is an impressive compilation of compositions and an arsenal of training tools.
This work by Gata Kamsky includes her best games from the period 2004-2013, in which she returned to the elite after an eight-year retirement. Kamsky analyzes his games in minute detail with the goal of finding the...



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