Chess Books and Ebooks | Ajedrez21


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Este libro presenta una serie de consejos y conceptos relacionados con la estrategia. Incluye lecciones prácticas, temas de estrategia con ejercicios y decenas de posiciones típicas de medio juego para aprender.
El GM Moskalenko hace un detallado estudio de los finales en el ajedrez, mediante la presentación de lecciones, ejemplos ilustrativos y ejercicios prácticos que los lectores podrán resolver.
€20.97 €29.95
This work by GM Maxim Dlugy examines important topics in chess development, taking examples from his own games and his interactions with legends such as Tal, Karpov, Kasparov and even Carlsen.
3 reviews
Esta obra desarrolla un conjunto de técnicas y procesos de pensamiento, para que cada jugador dirija su camino hacia el autoperfeccionamiento con eficacia y optimizando al máximo sus recursos.
A total of 20 cracks from the shortages fill the pages of this book, designed for a children's and youth audience, in which they will be able to further connect with the Grand Masters of tauler who have come to...
Este libro completa la serie dedicada a conocer y practicar todos los recursos tácticos básicos del ajedrez. Consta de diez capítulos que estudian temas como control de la séptima, atacar por la columna ‘h’,...
1 review
Segunda parte de uno de los libros de más éxito en años recientes. Los autores se han centrado en compilar y estructurar material especializado para jugadores de club, con decenas de ejercicios, lecciones y apuntes en...
The Perunovic Variation 6...Bg7 has become the main line of the Volga Gambit among masters. In this work written by the creator of the variation we will find all his secrets and a complete repertoire for black with...
2 reviews
GM Pavlovic presents a repertoire based on some of the most reputable openings: Nimzoindia, Refused Queen's Gambit and Catalana with black; Currently it is the choice of the majority of the elite to combat 1.d4
Using examples from his own games, GM Christian Bauer addresses one of the most important topics in chess, the selection of candidate moves
€18.55 €26.50
First book by double national champion Iván Salgado. Salgado studies the antidotes against the gambits of the Queen's Pawn openings: Budapest, Blumenfeld, Schara-Henning, Albin and others
1 review
This work examines the Reti Opening and multiple possible transpositions to other openings; GM Adrien Demuth presents a positional and dynamic repertoire ideal for ambitious players.
€20.27 €28.95
This book presents the history of Candidates matches and tournaments, from Budapest 1950 to Berlin 2018. It is also a book of advanced level tests that the reader can work on; all problems have been selected from the...
An encyclopedia of tactics and all existing mating patterns, written by GM Efstratios Grivas. Several examples are presented in each pattern as well as real games in which it occurred.
€20.27 €28.95
1 review
The definitive guide to the Chigorin Variation of the Spanish Opening. The first part of the work examines the general plans and strategic concepts that must be known, while the second examines the specific theory
1 review
GM Krasenkow includes in his new book a brief biography, his 54 best games (among the more than 4,000 he has played in competition) and his 12 most instructive endings
€21.60 €30.85
This work presents the philosophy that allowed GM Ipatov to become a world top-100 player. The majority of the book is made up of original analyzes on secondary lines of main openings and universal systems from...
Gata Kamsky analyzes the best games of the first period of his career, in which he competed for the FIDE world title against Anatoli Karpov. Kamsky's goal in commenting on him is to find the truth and show the...
€127.68 €134.40
Un selecto pack formado por la colección de libros clásicos que no pueden faltar en la biblioteca de todo aficionado ¡ENVÍO GRATIS!
GM Vladimir Tukmakov describes his experience as captain of Ukraine (which he led to gold in the 2004 and 2010 Olympics), Azerbaijan and the Netherlands; and as a coach of world stars over 50 years: Geller,...



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